2015-2016 Undergraduate Catalog


When appropriate, employee and student training will include but not be limited to:

  • An explanation of the University’s Exposure Control Plan for Universal Precautions and Bloodborne Pathogens.
  • An explanation of the modes of transmission, epidemiology, and symptoms of blood borne pathogens.
  • The personal protective equipment policy on Universal Precautions and hand washing.
  • An explanation of the recommendations for prevention of HIV/Hepatitis transmission.
  • An explanation of the Hazard Communication Program.
  • An explanation of reporting and record keeping procedures for exposure incidents and post exposure follow-up.
  • The exposure determination/classification for tasks that may involve exposure to blood and other potentially infectious materials.

The Exposure Control Plan for Cumberland University is designed to provide employees and students with a recognition of task and procedure that present a potential occupational exposure to bloodborne pathogens and a means of eliminating or minimizing exposure in the performance of their duties.