
Room Consolidation

Document Number: RESLIFE--136 Revision #: 2.0
Document Owner: Dean of Students
Date Last Updated: 05/08/2018
Primary Author: Director of Residence Life and Greek Affairs
Status: Approved
Date Originally Created: 11/10/2011
General Description

Policy on room changes in residence life

Delineation of policy

Students, Residence Life

Residence Life

Relevant Knowledge: 
Current University policy

Terms and Definitions:
Additional training
Corrective Action
Loss of privilege, student
Policy Provisions

1. Room Changes

If after the first 15 days of any semester, a student assigned to a double room is without a roommate, they will be provided the following options by the Residence Life staff:

•The student may pay for a private room (based on availability & need)
•The student may find a roommate within the allocated time period
•The University may assign a roommate at the student’s request

Students should begin looking immediately for a possible roommate. Residence Life will supply each student with a list of potential roommate candidates. Students will not be required to move to another Residence Hall for the purpose of consolidation. However, a student is not precluded from changing Residence Halls in order to find a roommate.

Students who ignore the process or decline to seek a roommate will be notified at the conclusion of the consolidation period that they will be charged for a private room.

Subject Experts

The following may be consulted for additional information.

Director of Residence Life and Greek Affairs

Dean of Students

Executive Director of Facilities and Safety