
Definition of Emergency

Document Number: EMER--103d
Revision #: 2.0
Document Owner: Vice President for Facilities and Infrastructure
Date Last Updated: 1/22/18
Primary Author: Vice President for Facilities and Infrastructure
Status: Approved
Date Originally Created: 02/10/2012
1. Types of emergencies

1. Emergency Director: Vice President for Facilities and Infrastructure or his designee serves as the overall Emergency Director during any major emergency or disaster. Members of the Emergency Services and Safety Committee (ESSC) and designated faculty and staff will assist in carrying out emergency procedures. As Chief Executive Officer, the President is apprised of all situations that affect the operation of the institution or pose a threat to personal safety or property. In addition, legal counsel shall be apprised of all such emergencies.

2. Minor Emergency: Any incident, potential or actual, which will not seriously affect the overall functional capacity of the University.

3. Major Emergency: Any incident, potential or actual, which affects an entire building or buildings and which will disrupt the overall operations of the University. Outside emergency services may specifically be required, as well as major policy considerations and decisions will usually be required. If the Vice President for Facilities and Infrastructure is not available, the Provost should be contacted and will assume responsibility. Because major emergencies involve specific legal liabilities by nature of their impact, legal counsel should be involved to the extent of the President.

4. Disaster: Any event or occurrence, which has taken place and has seriously impaired or halted the operations of the University. In some cases, mass personnel casualties and severe property damage may be sustained. A coordinated effort of all campus-wide resources is required to control the situation effectively. Outside emergency services will be essential.

5. Assumptions: This Emergency Procedure Manual provides a plan for a realistic approach to the problems likely to be encountered on a campus during a major emergency or disaster. Hence, the following are general guidelines:

a) An emergency or disaster may occur at any time of the day or night, weekend, or holiday, with little or no warning.
b) The succession of events in an emergency is not predictable, hence published support and operational plans will serve only as a guide and checklist, and may require field modification in order to meet the requirements of the emergency.

2. Defining an emergency situation

Emergency situations include any incident in or around the campus for which there is an imminent serious threat to life, limb, property, or environment.

  • Non-critical events are situations that occur in a hall or building that need attention but do not require immediate attention by professionals (fire department, ambulance, facility services department). This can typically be handled by someone in the building and documented for his or her supervisor.
  • Non-critical emergencies are incidents that require prompt attention but do not represent an immediate threat to life, building, or hall security. Examples might include residents who are extremely depressed, disoriented, or confused, but are responsive to communication from others.
  • Critical events require immediate attention by professionals. This may include fire, flooding, broken locks/doors/windows, etc.
  • Critical emergencies involve situations in which an individual:
  • Engages in immediate life-threatening behavior
  • Poses a threat to self or others (e.g., delusions, hallucinations, or suicidal)
  • Displays an alarming change in behavior (e.g., rage or extreme hostility, catatonic)
  • Any situation in which a staff member deems an outside mental health professional is needed immediately (e.g., situations beyond the ability of staff to manage).

If any of these situations occur, go directly to the proper section of this manual and follow the appropriate protocol.

3. General steps to follow in case of an emergency

1. Call 911 if necessary (dial 8-911 from on-campus phones).
2. Make a complete assessment of the situation immediately.
3. Collect the facts and take accurate notes that include:
  • Who is involved (name, office, ID)? If you don’t know who is involved, get a detailed description (gender, height, weight, hair color, clothing, glasses, facial hair, scars or tattoos, piercings, or other distinguishing characteristics).
  • What has happened or what do you suspect will happen? What action or steps have you or your staff members taken thus far?
  • When did the incident(s) occur?
  • What were the precipitating events?
  • Were there any other witnesses? If so, collect all essential information from each, including their name and phone number, the identity/description of parties involved, time-frame, location, etc.
4. Communicate information to your supervisor immediately. If your immediate supervisor is not available, go to another campus supervisor or vice president.
5. Submit proper documentation of incident to supervisor, including witness statements.
6. Follow up per established procedures.

4. When to call

Everyone is encouraged to contact emergency personnel any time they believe they need assistance.
  • Bomb threat
  • Dangerous weapons (when suspicions or direct knowledge exist)
  • Drug use in the building
  • Death of a student, staff, or faculty member
  • Fight (physical altercation)
  • Fire
  • Flood
  • Medical emergency
  • Psychological emergency (any behavior that leads others to be concerned about the safety of the student or others)
  • Sexual assault
  • Suicide/attempted suicide
  • Any time the police have been called to a building on campus

Subject Experts
The following may be consulted for additional information.


Vice President for Facilities and Infrastructure

Standards of good practice
University governance