
Equal Opportunity in Education Title IX Section 504 Statement

Equal Opportunity in Education/Title IX Section 504 Statement

Document Number: EOP--001 Revision #: 1.0
Document Owner: Date Last Updated: 12/08/2016
Primary Author: Status: Approved
Date Originally Created: 11/01/2011
General Description
Description: Cumberland University does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, color, religion, sexual orientation, national origin, age, disability or veteran status in provision of education opportunities or employment opportunities and benefits, pursuant to the requirements of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as codified in 42 U.S.C. 2000D; Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Pub. L. 92-318: Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973; the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, Pub. L. 101-336; the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 (Pub. L. 90-202) (ADEA); and the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, 42 USC 6101, et. seq. This policy extends to employment by and admission to the University as well as the terms and conditions of matriculation. Inquiries or complaints involving alleged unlawful or prohibited discrimination on the basis of race, sex, color, religion, sexual orientation, national origin, age, disability or veteran status must be in writing and directed to Joe Gray, Designated University Coordinator, Cumberland University, One Cumberland Square, Lebanon, TN 37087, office phone number 615-547-1255, E-mail jgray@cumberland.edu (with a copy to the Disability Coordinator if the complaint involves accommodation for a disability). In the event that the conduct involves the Designated University Coordinator for any matter involving prohibited discrimination under this policy, the inquiry or complaint must be in writing and directed to the University's General Counsel Legal Counsel, Bone McAllester Norton PLLC, 511 Union Street, Suite 1600, Nashville, TN 37219. Inquiries or complaints to the University’s General Counsel shall involve an initial complaint against the listed individuals and not an appeal of one of their decisions. The University's General Counsel does not hear appeals of any decision involving unlawful or prohibited discrimination.

Purpose: In support of the University’s commitment to equal opportunity in educational services on the basis of race, sex, color, religion, sexual orientation, national origin, age, disability or veteran status, the following procedures exist to promptly investigate and respond to complaints that this policy has been violated.

Scope: All faculty, staff, students, and administrators

Responsibility: Director of Human Resources
Legal Counsel
V.P. of IT, Campus Services and Security
Approvals: This policy extends to employment by and admission to the University as well as the terms and conditions of matriculation. Inquiries or complaints involving alleged unlawful or prohibited discrimination on the basis of race, sex, color, religion, sexual orientation, national origin, age, disability or veteran status must be in writing and directed to Joe Gray, Designated University Coordinator, Cumberland University, One Cumberland Square, Lebanon, TN 37087, office phone number 615-547-1255, E-mail jgray@cumberland.edu (with a copy to the Disability Coordinator if the complaint involves accommodation for a disability). In the event that the conduct involves the Designated University Coordinator for any matter involving prohibited discrimination under this policy, the inquiry or complaint must be in writing and directed to the University's General Counsel Legal Counsel, Bone McAllester Norton PLLC, 511 Union Street, Suite 1600, Nashville, TN 37219. Inquiries or complaints to the University’s General Counsel shall involve an initial complaint against the listed individuals and not an appeal of one of their decisions. The University's General Counsel does not hear appeals of any decision involving unlawful or prohibited discrimination.

Relevant Knowledge: In order to comply with this policy you should know:
Current University policy
Federal statutes
Standards of good practice
Standard company policies
Terms and Definitions: Additional training

Corrective Action

Loss of privilege, general


Staff members who knowingly and blatantly violate this policy may be terminated.
Policy Provisions
1. In support of the University’s commitment to equal opportunity in educational services on the basis of race, sex, color, religion, sexual orientation, national origin, age, disability or veteran status, the following procedures exists to promptly investigate and respond to complaints that this policy has been violated. Any individual who wishes to complain about discrimination in educational opportunities or employment opportunities and benefits should follow the steps outlined below:

Step 1 An individual with a complaint should contact the Designated University Coordinator or Legal Counsel (for a complaint against the aforementioned individual that does not involve an appeal) and obtain a complaint form by which the specifics of the individual’s complaint can be recorded and action initiated within seven business days of its receipt. Complaint Forms can be obtained at http://www.cumberland.edu/complaint or http://www.cumberland.edu/sm_files/Cumberland%20University%20Complaint%20Form.pdf.
Step 2 The Designated University Coordinator will investigate, collect data, interview witnesses and/or develop a response to the complaint, as appropriate, within 21 business days of Step One.
Step 3 Following the investigation of the complaint, the Designated University Coordinator will speak with the individual in person or via telephone (in lieu of a more traditional face-to-face meeting) to discuss the outcome of the investigation and the response of the University to the complaint within 21 business days of Step Two.
Step 4 A report of the Investigation, its outcome and recommendations will be forwarded to the Designated University Coordinator at the conclusion of the investigation within 21 business days of Step Three.
Step 5 If the individual is dissatisfied with the outcome of the investigation, an appeal may be made to the Office of the President by the individual within 10 business days of the outcome of Step Four. In the event of an appeal, the President will review the complaint, the results of the investigation, the report and recommendations of the Designated University Coordinator and consult with the complaining individual in an attempt to resolve any remaining concerns within 21 business days of receipt of the appeal. The President represents the final appeal.

Performance Evaluation
Desired Outcome: All faculty, staff, students, and the outside community will abide by the federal non-discrimination policy.

Performance Metrics: Compliance with standard policy and procedure

Consequences: Further training
Job Termination
Loss of privileges
Subject Experts
The following may be consulted for additional information.

Director of Human Resources

V.P. of IT, Campus Services and Security

Vice President for Academic Affairs