
Institutional Effectiveness and Assessment Committee

Document Number: COMMITTEE-IEAC--103d
Revision #: 2.0
Document Owner: University Provost
Date Last Updated:12 /15/2017
Primary Author: University Provost
Status: Approved
Date Originally Created: 04/05/2012

1. Description

The purpose of the Institutional Effectiveness and Assessment Committee is to advise, facilitate and monitor the process of institutional effectiveness at Cumberland University. This committee is charged with the responsibility to assure the systematic integration of planning and evaluation at all levels; to coordinate the collection, analysis and distribution of data useful for planning and decision-making; to develop and monitor outcome measures of institutional effectiveness; and to facilitate and monitor compliance with SACS accreditation criteria.

The Institutional Effectiveness and Assessment Committee (IEAC) has the principal responsibility of overseeing the campus-wide integrated and systematic process of assessment for the purpose of institutional improvement and achievement of outcomes and objectives to meet the University Mission.

2. By-Laws

2.1 Committee Composition

1. The Institutional Effectiveness and Assessment Committee will consist of members that include representation from each of the academic schools of the University and representative staff and/or administrators with expertise in the areas of institutional research/assessment and informational technology to assure adequately informed representation of the University.

2. Each school representative on the IEAC will be recommended by the Dean of the respective school and appointed by the Vice President for Academic Affairs. Staff and/or administrator committee members will be appointed by the supervisory Vice President of their unit. IEAC members will serve three year terms and may be reappointed for unlimited terms, as deemed appropriate by the President’s Cabinet. In cases where committee members vacate a position, special appointment will be made to fill the open position by the President’s Cabinet.

3. The IEAC elections for chair and other committee officers deemed necessary will occur at the first Fall meeting in years of new member appointments.
a. It is recommended that the chair-elect be a continuing service committee member (having served at least one term previous). Special Accommodations will be made in the case of a Chair’s resignation and a special election will be held to replace the chair.
b. The term of service as Committee Chair is three years. A Chair may serve no more than two consecutive terms in this position, but unlimited total terms as Committee Chair during their tenure as a Cumberland University employee.
i. It is the role of the Committee Chair to communicate with the President’s cabinet or its representative twice a month (or more often if deemed necessary) to communicate the committee’s activity.

ii. It is the role of the Committee Chair to guide the operations of the IEAC.

iii. It is the role of the Committee Chair to ensure that proceedings of this committee’s works are appropriately communicated to the faculty.

iv. It is the role of the Committee Chair and other designated officers as deemed necessary by the Chair to document committee activities including minutes from meetings, important electronic communications and external meetings that concern IEAC assignments.

v. It is the role of the Committee Chair to designate specific responsibilities to individual IEAC members as deemed necessary.
4. The committee will meet on a bi-monthly (twice a month) schedule and when the circumstances deem it necessary.

2.2 Role of Committee

The role of IEAC is to evaluate, assess, approve and make recommendations concerning institutional effectiveness and assessment and to facilitate campus-wide integrated and systematic assessment for the purpose of improving and meeting the University Mission.
1. Support the office of Institutional Research and campus assessment.

2. Promote effective planning of assessment between units of the University

3. Consult with, train and educate personnel about the planning and assessment process.

4. Assists personnel with assessment projects.

5. Evaluate linkages between Institutional Effectiveness objectives and the College Strategic Plan.

6. Act as an oversight body of surveys administered to campus constituents by various institutional units.

7. To aid in the development, administration and coordination of surveys administered to campus constituents by various campus units as needed.

8. Make recommendations on unit assessment plans to help ensure that they are linked to the University Mission - working with Academic Affairs.

9. Edit and Approve the Assessment Handbook as needed - working with Academic Affairs.

10. Work with Academic Affairs and other bodies to help build a campus-wide culture of assessment, where assessment is effectively utilized.

11. Make recommendations on and help facilitate the process of GEC assessment – working with the University Committee on Courses Curriculum and Academic Policies (UCCCAP) and the office of Academic Affairs.

12. Aid in the assessment process of the University’s Quality Enhancement Plan.

13. Facilitate the compliance of the University with all Southern Association of Colleges and Schools – Commission on Colleges (SACS-COC) accreditation standards

2.3 University Committees Development

The IEAC committee shall be advisory to the President’s Cabinet and the President on the development of committees and subcommittees that will facilitate the assessments and improvements of the University.

2.4 Committee Guidelines and By-Law Interpretation

All decisions by IEAC will be made by a majority vote of the members, as long as a quorum of voting members exists. A quorum exists when a simple majority of voting members is participating in the decision.

Subject Experts

The following may be consulted for additional information.

VP for Academic Affairs

Executive VP

federal mandate
University governance