
Investigation Report

VIII. Investigation Report

A.    Upon completion of the investigation, the investigator shall prepare a written report that fairly summarizes the evidence, including both inculpatory and exculpatory evidence. Relevant evidence gathered during the investigation, as appropriate, may be attached as appendices. Documents protected by the attorney work-product privilege, such as the investigator’s personal notes, will not be attached to the investigation report.

B.    Upon the receipt of the initial report by the Title IX Coordinator, both the Complainant and the Respondent will be notified via their Cumberland email address. Parties may review the investigation report, as well as all evidence directly related to the allegations not used in the investigation report, in the Title IX Coordinator’s office in person. Parties have 10 actual days after the notification to review the report and evidence, and to submit a written response to the evidence which must be considered by the investigator before finalizing the report. The investigator will be notified when this review is complete, and the report shall be returned to the investigator for final review and signature.

C.    No parts of the investigation report or case file shall be made available for copy. Both the Complainant and the Respondent can review the final investigation report in the Title IX Coordinator’s office in person. The case file, including extraneous notes, summaries, and evidence will not be available for review.

 1. All records will be kept in the Title IX Coordinator’s office for a minimum of seven years.