
Sexual Misconduct Reporting an Incident - Title IX

I. Purpose


This policy is adopted by Cumberland University specifically to address discrimination and harassment based on sex, as well as the following offenses defined herein: Dating Violence, Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, and Stalking; and, to establish procedures for responding to incidents of Sexual Discrimination and Harassment. Sexual Harassment is a form of sexual discrimination prohibited by Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 and Cumberland University.

The University is committed to eliminating any and all acts of Sexual Discrimination and Sexual Harassment on its campus. An environment free from such acts is necessary to a healthy learning, working, and living atmosphere. Any allegation of Sexual Discrimination or Sexual Harassment, as defined herein, will be investigated and resolved according to this policy. Cumberland will take appropriate steps, as needed, to prevent the recurrence of Sexual Discrimination or Sexual Harassment and to remedy any discriminatory effects.

If government laws or regulations change, or court decisions alter, the requirements in a way that impacts this policy, this policy will be construed to comply with the most recent government regulations.