
Relationships between Individuals of Different University Status

XIV. Relationships between Individuals of Different University Status


A sexual or romantic relationship involving individuals of different University status is not, in and of itself, Sexual Harassment as defined by this policy and will not be investigated or adjudicated under this policy. Such an interaction may be a violation of another University policy and subject to separate disciplinary procedures.


A sexual or romantic relationship between students and teachers, supervisors or mentors (faculty members, staff members, or other students) violates both University and

professional standards, and potentially violates state and federal anti-discrimination laws. The University prohibits all sexual and romantic relationships between faculty members and

students (both undergraduate and graduate students).


A conflict of interest also exists if there is a consensual romantic or sexual relationship in the context of employment supervision or evaluation. Therefore, a supervisor may not influence, directly or indirectly, salary, promotion, performance appraisals, work assignments or other working conditions for an employee with whom such a relationship exists.