
Timeframe for Completion of Investigation and Disciplinary Process

XV. Timeframe for Completion of Investigation and Disciplinary Process


The U.S. Department of Education has made clear that the length of investigations may vary with the

complexity and unique factors in each case. Examples of such factors include, without limitation,

circumstances in which critical witnesses are unavailable or if law enforcement requests the University

temporarily halt its investigation for a brief period of time. Accordingly, all timeframes set forth in this

policy may be altered by the Title IX Coordinator for good cause, and the Title IX Coordinator will

provide to parties written notice, including rationale, of temporary delays or extensions of this process

for good cause. The University’s overarching goal is that all complaints be investigated in a prompt, fair,

and impartial manner.

A.    There is no time limit or statute of limitations on a Complainant’s decision to file a formal Title IX Complaint with the University.

B.    There is no time limit for parties to seek to initiate or suspend informal resolutions.

C.    There is no time limit for Complainants to request Supportive Measures.

D.    Business days are available in the current University Catalog and via the Academic Calendar and Important Dates on the University’s website.