
Other Elected Insurance Coverage

Faculty and Staff Benefits--Other Elected Insurance Coverage

Document Number: HR--128 Revision #: 1.0
Document Owner: Executive VP Date Last Updated: 08/17/2012
Primary Author: Director of Human Resources Status: Approved
Date Originally Created: 01/12/2012
General Description
Description: Information about other elected insurance coverage relative to HR policy.

Purpose: Delineation of policy.

Scope: All faculty, staff, and administrators

Responsibility: Human Resources
Relevant Knowledge: In order to comply with this policy you should know:
Standards of good practice
Standard company policies
Current University policy
Terms and Definitions: Additional training

Corrective Action

Loss of privilege, general
Policy Provisions
1. Other Elected Insurance Coverage

Cumberland University offers the following optional insurance coverage. Eligible
employees may elect any or all of the following additional coverage. The premiums are paid through payroll deduction. For details concerning individual and/or dependent coverage, employees should contact the Director of Human Resources.

1. Dental Insurance
2. Disability Insurance - Short-term
3. Cancer Insurance
4. Flexible Spending Account
5. Life Insurance

2. Long Term Disability

Cumberland University provides Long Term Disability insurance for eligible employees at no cost to the employee. The amount of each policy is determined by the rate of pay for position held by the faculty and/or staff member. The policy terminates at the time that the employee terminates employment, whether voluntarily or involuntarily.

Performance Evaluation
Performance Metrics: Compliance with standard policy and procedure

Consequences: Further training
Loss of privileges
Subject Experts
The following may be consulted for additional information.
Director of Human Resources