
ACT and SAT Credit

ACT and SAT Credit

Document Number: ENRSER--112 Revision #: 1.0
Document Owner: Executive VP Date Last Updated: 08/30/2012
Primary Author: Executive Director of Enrollment Services Status: Approved
Date Originally Created: 11/29/2011
General Description
Description: Information about ACT Credit policy.

Purpose: Delineation of policy.

Scope: Students

Responsibility: Enrollment Services
Student Financial Services
VP for Academic Affairs
Relevant Knowledge: In order to comply with this policy you should know:
Current University policy
Standard company policies
Standards of good practice
Terms and Definitions: Additional training

Corrective Action

Loss of privilege, general
Policy Provisions
1. ACT/SAT Credit

Cumberland University recognizes outstanding performance on the ACT or SAT examinations by awarding credit for certain scores on the English and Mathematics (ACT) or Critical Reading and Mathematics (SAT) portions of the exams. The following criteria apply:

ACT Score of 28+ Equivalent SAT Score 630+ Cumberland Credit Awarded
English Critical Reading ENG 101 – 3 Credit Hours
English and Reading Critical Reading ENG 101 & ENG 215 -
6 Credit Hours
Mathematics Mathematics MATH 111 - 3 Credit Hours

Performance Evaluation
Performance Metrics: Compliance with standard policy and procedure

Consequences: Further training
Loss of privileges
Subject Experts
The following may be consulted for additional information.
Executive Director of Enrollment Services

VP for Academic Affairs