
ACTFL American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages

ACTFL (American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages)

Document Number: ENRSER--113 Revision #: 1.0
Document Owner: Executive VP Date Last Updated: 08/30/2012
Primary Author: Executive Director of Enrollment Services Status: Approved
Date Originally Created: 11/29/2011
General Description
Description: Information about ACTFL (American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages).

Purpose: Delineation of policy.

Scope: All faculty, staff, students, and administrators

Responsibility: Enrollment Services
Student Financial Services
VP for Academic Affairs
Relevant Knowledge: In order to comply with this policy you should know:
Standards of good practice
Standard company policies
Current University policy
Terms and Definitions: Additional training

Corrective Action

Loss of privilege, general
Policy Provisions
1. ACTFL (American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages)

An ACTFL evaluation consists of two parts: an Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI) and a Written Proficiency Test (WPT).

1. The certified Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI) is administered by telephone by an ACTFL certified rater. The interview lasts approximately 30 minutes and is digitally recorded. The interview is reviewed by two ACTFL certified raters.

2. The certified Written Proficiency Test (WPT) is available via the Internet or in booklet form. Students are given 90 minutes to complete a test which consists of five questions requiring written narrative responses. This test is reviewed by two ACTFL certified raters.

Both forms of ACTFL evaluation are administered as follows.

1. Contact the Academic Enrichment Center (AEC) (615.547.1285) for an application. The fee, which is set by the ACTFL, is to be paid with the application prior to scheduling the interview and the test. Current fees are available on the ACTFL website (www.actfl.org) or by contacting the AEC.

2. ACTFL evaluations are available for most any language.

3. The OPI and WPT results combined determine the number of non-traditional credit hours awarded.

Performance Evaluation
Performance Metrics: Compliance with standard policy and procedure

Consequences: Further training
Loss of privileges
Subject Experts
The following may be consulted for additional information.
Executive Director of Enrollment Services

VP for Academic Affairs