
Academic Requirements

Academic Requirements

Document Number: GREEK--103 Revision #: 1.0
Document Owner: Executive VP Date Last Updated: 08/29/2012
Primary Author: Director of Residence Life and Greek Affairs Status: Approved
Date Originally Created: 11/10/2011
General Description
Description: Policy on academic requirements for Greek organizations

Purpose: Delineation of policy

Scope: Greek advisor, Students

Responsibility: Dean of Students
Executive VP
Greek advisor
Relevant Knowledge: In order to comply with this policy you should know:
National Greek policies
Terms and Definitions: Additional training

Corrective Action

Loss of privilege, general


Staff members who knowingly and blatantly violate this policy may be terminated.
Policy Provisions
1. Academic Requirements

The University expects all Greek Organizations to provide evidence of fraternity/sorority scholarship programs and grade requirements for initiation and the classification of members in good standing. An active member of a Greek fraternity/sorority at Cumberland will be an undergraduate who has met the minimum academic requirements for the respective fraternity/sorority, who is not on any type of probation within the fraternity/sorority, and who maintains full-time status as a University student by taking at least twelve (12) credit hours per semester (excluding May or Summer terms). To remain an active member, he/she must maintain a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of at least 2.50 (as of August 27, 2012) and must be enrolled in at least twelve semester hours.

Note: Some fraternity/sororities have higher grade point requirements for pledging and membership than those previously stated. In these instances, the individual fraternity/sorority’s requirements supersede the Cumberland requirement. Cumberland’s requirement is an absolute minimum grade point average for membership in any Greek organization on Cumberland’s campus. Cumberland honors the fact that each fraternity/sorority has the right to raise this requirement as each fraternity/sorority sees fit.

No fraternity or sorority is allowed to practice standards that do not meet the above stated guidelines for Greek organizations at Cumberland University. The Director of Greek Affairs must approve, in writing, any deviation from the above GPA requirements, and such approval must also be reviewed by the Dean of Students.

In addition to these requirements, the following minimum standards are expected of each fraternity or sorority to promote academic responsibility within the Cumberland Greek Community:
• Each fraternity/sorority is expected to honor and uphold the Cumberland Creed
• Each fraternity/sorority is expected to annually develop and submit a copy of its scholarship program, if any, to the Director of Greek Affairs before Fall Break of each academic year
• Each fraternity/sorority is to develop programs that encourage and recognize academic achievement and promote student/faculty relations. Possible programs could include, but are not limited to, awards for Dean’s list recipients, inviting a speaker to address the chapter, discussions led by a faculty member, or recognition of faculty/staff members
• Each fraternity/sorority is expected to ensure that recruitment, new member education, chapter meetings and membership activities do not compromise the academic performance of prospective new members, new members or initiated members.
• No fraternity/sorority will sponsor, permit or condone activities, either by the chapter or its members, which disturb classes, study sessions (individual or group), an individual’s room or other places where a student should be able to focus on academic work with the expectation of silence.
• Each fraternity/sorority will maintain an environment which members can study on nights before class days.
• Each fraternity/sorority is expected to follow all rules and regulations governing the Residence Halls.

Subject Experts
The following may be consulted for additional information.
Director of Residence Life and Greek Affairs

Executive VP

Legal Counsel