
On-Campus Advisors

On-Campus Advisors

Document Number: GREEK--102 Revision #: 1.0
Document Owner: Executive VP Date Last Updated: 08/17/2012
Primary Author: Director of Residence Life and Greek Affairs Status: Approved
Date Originally Created: 11/09/2011
General Description
Description: Fraternities and sororities must register annually with the Office of Student Life. The University also requires that each chapter must register a full-time Cumberland University faculty or staff member as their on-campus advisor. Campus advisors do not have to be initiated members of a Greek fraternity/sorority. This advisor serves as a liaison between the chapter and the University in an official capacity in addition to the Director of Greek Affairs.

Purpose: Describes the role of the On-Campus Advisor

Scope: Residence Life, Students

Responsibility: Residence Life
Executive VP
Dean of Students
Student Life
Relevant Knowledge: In order to comply with this policy you should know:
National Greek policies
Terms and Definitions: Additional training

Corrective Action

Loss of privilege, general


Staff members who knowingly and blatantly violate this policy may be terminated.
Policy Provisions
1. On-Campus Advisors

Fraternities and sororities must register annually with the Office of Student Life. The University also requires that each chapter must register a full-time Cumberland University faculty or staff member as their on-campus advisor. Campus advisors do not have to be initiated members of a Greek fraternity/sorority. This advisor serves as a liaison between the chapter and the University in an official capacity in addition to the Director of Greek Affairs.

The process also requires each Greek organization to file a list of members, officers, and a current edition of the chapter’s by-laws. The University does not and will not require a copy of esoteric documents such as the Ritual, Constitution, or other fraternal materials published for the exclusive use of its members. The Director of Greek Affairs will be, along with the faculty/staff advisor, one of the University’s administrative advisors to the respective Greek organization. The Director of Greek Affairs will also serve as the University liaison to each fraternity or sorority’s international or national headquarters.

The Director of Greek Affairs, along with the Dean of Students, will conduct a yearly review of each chapter based on objectives outlined in the Yearly Chapter Review Guidelines. The review will take place in the spring semester of each academic year.

Subject Experts
The following may be consulted for additional information.
Director of Residence Life and Greek Affairs

Executive VP