
Rights and Responsibilities

Rights and Responsibilities

Document Number: GREEK--101 Revision #: 1.0
Document Owner: Executive VP Date Last Updated: 08/17/2012
Primary Author: Director of Residence Life and Greek Affairs Status: Approved
Date Originally Created: 11/09/2011
General Description
Description: Cumberland University and its Greek Organizations strive to uphold their common purpose of fulfilling the ideals of the Cumberland Creed as well as academic integrity and a mutually supportive relationship of both the Cumberland community and the Greek organizations. Within these rights and responsibilities both the Greek Organizations and the University outline what is expected of both parties.

Purpose: Describe Greek and University responsibilities.

Scope: Residence Life, Student Life, Students

Responsibility: Administration
Dean of Students
Residence Life
Student Life
Relevant Knowledge: In order to comply with this policy you should know:
National Greek policies
Terms and Definitions: Additional training

Corrective Action

Loss of privilege, general


Policy Provisions
1. Greek Responsibilities

• Each fraternity/sorority has the responsibility to uphold its own mission and that of Cumberland University
• Each fraternity/sorority has the responsibility of supporting and encouraging the academic achievement and scholarship of each of its members, either active or pledge.
• Each fraternity/sorority will be responsible for scheduling events with consideration for the best interests of the members’ academic work with no event requiring any student to miss class.
• Each fraternity/sorority will actively participate in service to the Cumberland campus as well as the Lebanon and Middle Tennessee communities.
• Each fraternity/sorority is expected to plan, sponsor, and execute at least one community service project in which 75% of its membership participates during each academic semester.
• Each fraternity/sorority will abide by and enforce with its members the Cumberland Creed and general campus regulations.
• Each fraternity/sorority will not engage in any hazing activity nor any activity that discriminates based on race, color, creed, sex, national or ethnic origin, disability or sexual orientation. (See Hazing section.)
• Each National Panhellenic Council will actively participate in the Cumberland Panhellenic Council
• Each fraternity/sorority will also participate in the Cumberland Greek Council. (See Greek Council section)
• Each fraternity/sorority is expected to promote responsible leadership by their active members and pledges as well as foster an environment in the greater student population of responsible leadership through active participation in and active involvement with other non-Greek student organizations.

2. University Responsibilities

• Cumberland University will actively support the University mission and will support a positive atmosphere for the organizations.
• The University will officially recognize each fraternity/sorority and its international or national raternity/sorority subject to each fraternity/sorority’s continuing good standing as recognized by their ational organization.
• The University will support and assist (as much as each fraternity/sorority’s by-laws allow) each raternity/sorority with their recruitment efforts.
• The University will, upon request and presentation of properly-executed releases, provide raternities/sororities with grade point averages after each term and will certify all pledges who have met inimum academic standards in accordance with FERPA law.
• The University will assist in scheduling on the University Master Calendar and, when possible, provide acilities for events and programs. As with all scheduling, proper procedures must be followed and care taken to ensure that there are no significant calendar conflicts.
• The University reserves the right to amend the Student Handbook and all its contents (including the Office of reek Affairs Policies, Procedures, & Structure) whenever it deems necessary and will provide ample time for each fraternity/sorority to review changes before enacting new rules.
• The Director of Greek Affairs will serve as a source of information, promote a healthy Greek system, protect the rights of both the Greek community’s as well as Cumberland University’s well-being, assist raternity/sororities in communicating their accomplishments to the larger community, serve as a resource for educational materials and programs, assist in any necessary expansion efforts, and generally support all the Greek organizations.

Subject Experts
The following may be consulted for additional information.
Director of Residence Life and Greek Affairs

Executive VP