
Faculty Development

Document Number: FacHR--119
Revision #: 2.0
Document Owner: VP of Academic Affairs
Date Last Updated: 07/11/2018
Primary Author: Director of Human Resources
Status: Approved
Date Originally Created: 01/20/2012
General Description

Information about faculty development relative to HR policy.

Delineation of faculty HR policy.


Human Resources
VP for Academic Affairs

Relevant Knowledge: 
Current University policy

Terms and Definitions:
Additional training
Corrective Action
Loss of privilege, general
Policy Provisions

1. Faculty Development

Cumberland University expects faculty to continue their development of their professional field and to extend their activity, expertise, and knowledge beyond the terminal academic degree in their teaching fields. Professional development is assessed as part of faculty evaluations, promotion and merit based raises. Every faculty member is responsible for taking the initiative to engage in such activity. The University will facilitate this as is justly feasible.

1.1 Faculty Development Workshops

Each year on campus workshops will be provided to all faculty to develop skills that will facilitate the faculty’s role. In addition, at the beginning of each fall semester and spring semester the faculty meetings offer an opportunity for faculty orientation and professional development.

1.2 Grant Proposals

Faculty may request funding for equipment, materials, programs, or projects by submitting a detailed proposal to the VPAA and by following the suggested guidelines for particular grants.

1.3 Professional Organizations and Conference Participation

Each faculty member should be a member of professional organizations that are relevant to his/her teaching specialty. Faculty travel to professional meetings is encouraged. Requests for travel funding, including an itemized budget, should be made in writing to the School Dean and Vice President for Academic Affairs. Full or partial funding may be provided, depending upon the availability of funds and judgment as to the appropriateness of the trip and the timing of any absence required. If funding is approved and provided, detailed records of expenditures should be kept and submitted on a form provided by the Business Office within ten days after the trip.

1.4 Faculty Development Sabbatical Leaves

An application for a paid sabbatical leave for one semester may be made, in writing, by any nine or twelve month appointed faculty member. The granting of any such paid leave depends upon the merits of the request and budgetary considerations. The member utilizing this leave of absence must engage in an educational activity such as study, research, writing, or travel for professional development. The remuneration during such leave shall be based on the salary being paid for the period immediately preceding the leave and shall be at the rate of not more than half pay for the period of the leave. Fringe benefits, including major medical insurance, retirement, etc., will continue during the sabbatical leave period.

All applications for a sabbatical leave must include the reason for the sabbatical request, the dates involved, the benefits to the faculty member and the benefits to the University. The written request must be presented to the Vice President for Academic Affairs on or before February 1 prior to the semester/year for which the leave is requested to begin. The Vice President for Academic Affairs shall make a recommendation to the President, who grants all sabbatical leaves.

A faculty member who receives a sabbatical leave with pay must agree to serve at least two (2) full academic years upon his/her return. A faculty member who does not return, or remains less than two (2) full academic years upon return, must repay the leave sums granted including the University’s contributions toward fringe benefits; a faculty member who returns for only one (1) full year and less than two (2) full years must repay one half of the sums granted including fringe benefits. No employment outside the University inconsistent with the goals of the sabbatical will be permitted during the sabbatical leave period. A sabbatical leave of absence shall be considered continuous service at Cumberland University and shall not interfere with any general increases in salary or opportunities for a promotion after returning to the University. Any individual granted sabbatical leave must write a report following guidelines found in the office of Academic Affairs.

1.5 Load Reductions for Research and Professional Development

On the recommendation of the faculty member’s School Dean and with the approval of the Vice President for Academic Affairs, reductions in teaching load may be granted for scholarly research and writing and/or advanced graduate study and work toward the completion of a doctoral dissertation.

1.6 Professional Development Funding University-wide

At the discretion of the Vice President for Academic Affairs funds may be provided for professional development initiatives of faculty that advance the academic excellence of the University. Faculty must request such funds in writing with statements of purpose, benefit, and budget.

1.7 Faculty Tuition Reduction Benefit

To be eligible to participate in the Cumberland University Educational Assistance Program, faculty must meet the following minimum requirements:

1. Be a full-time faculty, and
2. Have at least one year of continuous service at Cumberland University prior to enrolling in the first course.

1.7.1 Undergraduate Studies

Per semester, eligible faculty can be enrolled in and attending two undergraduate courses (up to 7 credit hours). Faculty load provisions, however, prohibit faculty from enrolling in more than one course per semester during regular working hours. If any class is filled, the enrollment of regular tuition paying students will take priority over a faculty member’s enrollment. Scheduling classes into the faculty workload and teaching schedule is done in consultation with the School Dean. A 100% tuition remission will be given after any Federal and State Grants are applied to the account. State and federal grant monies received are first applied toward tuition cost with the remaining tuition cost waived. Any remaining cost, all fees, and book costs are the responsibility of the faculty.

1.7.2 Graduate Studies

Per semester, eligible faculty can be enrolled in and attending two graduate courses (up to 7 credit hours). Faculty load provisions, however, prohibit faculty from enrolling in more than one course per semester during regular working hours. If any class is filled, the enrollment of regular tuition paying students will take priority over a faculty member’s enrollment. Scheduling classes into the faculty workload and teaching schedule is done in consultation with the School Dean. A 100% tuition remission will be given after any Federal and State Grants are applied to the account. State and federal grant monies received are first applied toward tuition cost with the remaining tuition cost waived. Any remaining cost, all fees, and book costs are the responsibility of the faculty.

1.7.3 Guidelines

1. The full-time faculty receiving tuition remission must maintain satisfactory academic progress, as stated in the University catalog.

2. The number of hours that may be taken during working hours will be limited to 1 – 1 ½ hours per day. Time scheduling in order to fulfill faculty responsibilities must be coordinated with the School Dean.

3. All full time faculty attending class during normal working hours must adjust their work schedule to accommodate the normal work load/time.

4. Prior approval of his/her School Dean must be obtained before scheduling a class.

1.7.4 Applying for Tuition Remission

1. The faculty member should apply for and be granted admission into Cumberland University. The application fee will be the responsibility of the faculty.
2. Each semester, complete all necessary paperwork in the Admissions and Financial Aid Office.

3. Each semester, after consultation with and approval from the School Dean, register in courses to be taken.

4. Bring the billing statement and schedule to the Director of Human Resources.

5. Pay any balance that is the faculty’s responsible cost.

1.8 Teacher of the Year Award

Each year at the spring commencement the President presents the Teacher of the Year Award to the faculty member chosen as the outstanding example of teaching and service to students in and out of the classroom. This award is accompanied by a financial gift and an engraved medallion.

Performance Evaluation

Performance Metrics:
Compliance with standard policy and procedure

Further training
Loss of privileges
Subject Experts

The following may be consulted for additional information.

VP for Academic Affairs

Director of Human Resources